December 29, 2018

Function as Child Components

WHAT is FaCC?A Function as Child Component (or FaCC) is a...

September 22, 2018

Shackburger Taste Test

I seem to be off the track of technical posts for a while, sorry about that, ...

September 19, 2018

Flamin' Hot Cheetos

This morning, I shopped in local supermarket, buying two bags of Cheetos. I s...

August 30, 2018

How Redux Thunk Works

Redux thunk has been quite popular as its easiness to handle asynchronous act...

August 30, 2018


A RegExp reverse pattern search in Javascript:My colleague asked me for a sol...

August 24, 2018

Simple Implementation of Throttle and Debounce

Throttle and Debounce In front-end, throttle and debounce are quite importa...

August 23, 2018

React Event System

I just do a few anatomy of react source code on its event system, and this is...

August 20, 2018

Http Status Code 401/403

I have been asked about the difference between two http status code: 401 and ...